Sunday, July 26, 2009

Candy Bouquets

Well I have been out of town for a while now and have been lucky enough to do some really fun things (mostly thanks to my amazing husband) okay okay I won't get all mushy. Time to get back to real life :) This is my latest project, candy bouquets. And once I had the details figured out this was actually really easy. You will need a heavy base otherwise the candy will be too heavy and tip it over, these were ceramic containers. I used floral foam cut to fit the bottom and covered that up with shredded paper. I think that the bamboo sticks were a great choice because they are sturdy and you can cut them down to fit where you would like them to go. The key to this entire project is that tape. I know that sounds odd but it can't be regular gift wrapping tape it has to be super sticky. I had this brilliant idea to wrap the sticks with floral tape so that they would be green but the problem I had is that floral tape is waxy and the tape would slide right down. I hope you find this helpful and that you make one for someone who deserves a sweet treat.


  1. wow..i am so sure i commented on this before..

    Please take time out to visit my blog today...its a welcoming blog post to my new co-blogger and a give away worth of 38$ for the readers


  2. I'm glad your husband is amazing!! :) Those candy bouquet's look pretty amazing too! Yum!

  3. Great blog with lots of creative ideas! I love the candy bouquets!

  4. sooo're almost making me want to start my gift basket business up again...if only the upkeep of inventory wasn't so darn expensive! LOVE this idea!

  5. Stopping by from SITS...these are so cute. This is a great little gift idea!

  6. Hey.. I think I ended up with a bunch of extra candy for my honeymoon. It was great.. Don't know if I thanked you. Super cute bouquets too.

  7. this is a very cute idea! Thanks for sharing.

  8. This is a great gift idea. Thanks for the instructions. I will be linking from


  9. I'm late from SITS day, but couldn't resist taking a look at this post, so cute! I always love candy projects.

  10. I love how creative these candy bouquets are, it's such a fun idea.
