Monday, March 30, 2009

Onion Straws

Ok much to my own embarrassment I messed this one up big time (excuse me while I cough and clear the smoke out of my house) but in true bloggy style I have to post the results of my latest attempt......I stumbled upon this fantastic web site called The Pioneer Woman and she has some really fun recipes with excellent tutorials. That is where I fell in love with this recipe for Onion Straws

Onion Straws
1 large onion

2 cups buttermilk

2 cups flour

1 scant tablespoon salt

Lots of black pepper

1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

Canola Oil

Slice onion very thin. Place in a baking dish and cover with buttermilk for at least one hour.Combine dry ingredients and set aside.Heat oil to 375 degrees.Grab a handful of onions, throw into the flour mixture, tab to shake off excess, and PLUNGE into hot oil. Fry for a few minutes and remove as soon as golden brown.Repeat until onions are gone.

The recipe was easy so I know you are wondering "how did she mess this up"? Well, because of my small experience with hot oil (yes you can see where this is going) I cranked the heat to high and left the room for it to come to a rolling boil. Thanks to my husband walking into the room and helping me realize that was a mistake I didn't toss all of the onions in. I turned the heat down a little and put a small amount in as a test. And yep we will be smelling greasy smoke for may weeks to come.

The second attempt was soooo much better and trust me if you like yummy onions you have to give this a try. Just keep an eye on your oil temp (wink wink).


  1. Hi, here from SITS. Funny stuff. My family always know I'm cooking when the smoke detector goes off!


  2. Hi, there! I'm just stopping by from SITS.

    Those onions look the second pic!

  3. Hi.
    Just stopped by from SITS to read your post.
    Have a great Tuesday!

  4. Hey it could be worse, I burnt chicken yesterday. Wh burns chicken? And no hot oil to blame it on either. The timing was impeccable too- right before my VT's showed up.
    That second batch of onion straws sound terrific!

  5. I have NO idea how I stumbled on your blog.. lol but so glad I did! I love getting little crafty ideas! :)

    I'm sure to be back.

  6. I'm glad he caught your mistake. My roommate did the exact same thing a couple of years ago (she was going to fry zucchini sticks), and set our apartment on fire! It didn't create a ton of damage, but the water from the sprinklers sure did!
