Friday, April 09, 2010

Robin Eggs Recycled

If you are like me you are so sick of seeing Easter candy (or at least my scale is sick of it lol). So I have been trying to figure out what to do with a bunch of extra robin eggs (or I will eat them all in one sitting) and my hottie had a fantastic idea…..IMG_8077

IMG_8207You guessed it we made the best milk shakes ever….(i am sure whoppers would be just as yummy)

 IMG_8210We used one cup of robin eggs, one cup of milk, and a bunch of vanilla ice cream (just depends on how thick you like them). I bet some stores have Easter candy super cheap right now. I know I know I just figured out how to get rid of them and now I want more, what can I say??!!!

Seriously the best malted milk shake!!!


  1. Yum! I am doing that tonight after the kids go to bed for sure! :)

  2. ooo that sounds super yummy!

  3. Awesome! How to make Dairy Queen Blizzards! Too yummy!

  4. That's an excellent idea. Looks delish!

  5. what an awesome idea, YUM! I haven't been online for a bit, so ive just been catching up on your blog, Congratulations on your SITS post, and the interview, I'm glad everyones loving you as much as I do!

  6. OMG I so can NOT tell my husband about this! He would love these!...Okay I might have to tell him lol

  7. Oh my heavens now I want to eat this.

  8. Now THAT is a great idea. Your hubby deserves an award for this one.
